Web Dwarf VI

A look at the latest happenings in Groovetown.

1 May, 2020

We live in strange times, times that even science-fiction couldn't have predicted would be the case in 2020. But as we all adjust to living that much more of our lives online, we've been heartened to see Red Dwarf fans everywhere continuing to use the show as a way to connect, as well as to be bold, bright and creative. So here's the latest roundup of the best Red Dwarfy things we've seen online in recent weeks...

Web Dwarf VI

First off, if you haven't yet signed up for this Sunday's Lockdown Theatre - a live table read over Zoom of an unproduced script by Series VII's James Hendrie, brought to you by the Red Dwarf Quarantine team of Rob Grant, Ed Bye and Paul Jackson and with a cast including Chris Barrie, Hattie Hayridge, Iwan Rheon, Martin Kemp, Robert Lindsay, Felicity Montagu and many more - then you'll want to quickly head over and get your slot before they're all taken!

And the Dimension Jump convention have got some good news, even though fans will now have to wait until February 2021 for the event: Ray Fearon, who so brilliantly played Rodon in The Promised Land, will be making his convention debut!

Meanwhile, VFX supervisor Howard Jones of AVIS talked to Broadcast about his work on the special:

Out in the wider world, we hope you're all staying safe, and still remembering to sing the right thing for 20 seconds while washing your hands:

Of course, if one man knows how to tackle a virus, it's Dave Lister:

If you're missing Robert Llewellyn as much as we are, then make sure you catch up with his regular Waffle Walks - streamed live on Periscope and then available on Twitter afterwards:

Into "fan creation" land, and first an absolutely fantastic piece of work here from Tom Bromley, who has produced a rendered recreation of Legion's dining room from, er, Legion:

(We like how it began with "I wanted to do the anti-matter chopsticks" and ended up being the whole room...)

And another bit of 3D rendering, this time of the current-style Starbug cockpit:

Similarly fantastic, this TikTok piece of Cat cosplay. We're not sure if we've ever seen many better...

Some stellar pencil art of Lister and Kryten:

Plus takes on the Cat:

And Rimmer (twice):

If you fancy a trip into the past (it's so much nicer there than the present right now, isn't it?) then the Revelation Station podcast has unearthed a complete, previously-unheared interview from 1992 with Rob and Doug - including some comments on Red Dwarf USA:

Meanwhile, Ganymede & Titan have Craig Charles hosting a film from a 1995 sci-fi convention, interviewing the late Sir Terry Pratchett and various authors and comics creators:

The #BestofSmeg Twitter poll pitted every Red Dwarf episode against one-another, with a surprise early exit from the tournament for perennial fan-poll champion Back to Reality(perhaps because of the seedings, perhaps because Quarantine felt more apt for the current times?) But the winner itself was less of a surprise:

Are you surprised that with musical performances being such a big part of people's lockdown entertainment, we've seen several different renditions of the Red Dwarf theme? Here are a few that have crossed our path, we'll leave it to you to determine which is top of the pops:

And finally, from back at a time when choosing to go into shops was even a thing, a cautionary note about this particular one:

Can you imagine the mess...

Keep up with all the latest Red Dwarf happenings on Twitter @RedDwarfHQ!

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