The Promised Land
Red Dwarf Special has a title, teaser trailer and brand new image!
13 March, 2020
It's been quite a week for news about the Red Dwarf Special. In fact, one of those very items of news is the fact that we don't need to just call it "the Red Dwarf Special" any more. Because, as announced by Dave on Twitter earlier this week, the feature-length episode has a name: Red Dwarf: The Promised Land.
Aside from that massively intriguing title (as some fans have clocked, it's a line drawn from back in the show's very first episode), though, the biggest excitement came earlier in the week, with the release of the first teaser trailer for the show. If you somehow haven't seen it either online or in the ad breaks on Dave yet, then here it is:
(Fans outside the UK who can't view it there due to YouTube's geolocking restrictions, meanwhile, can see the teaser over on Dave's Twitter account.)
And as if that weren't enough, we're delighted that today can bring you an exclusive new image from the special. And not just any old image, either - but one of Chris Barrie looking, well, rather different than we've ever seen him in the show before...

So if you think you've got the shape of the special figured out from the synopsis, title and teaser trailer... think again. There's an awful lot going on in these ninety minutes, and what you've seen so far only scratches the surface...
Red Dwarf: The Promised Land is coming soon to Dave - stay tuned for further updates!