More Quote Quizzing
Try your hand at our latest Smegging Difficult Quiz...
23 August, 2019
First, there was the Smegging Difficult Screenshots Quiz - a fiendish head-scratcher of a quiz that set new standards for just how hardcore a level of Dwarf knowledge we like to test on this site. That was followed up by the similarly tricky Smegging Difficult Quotes Quiz, and then - just because the original wasn't enough - a second volume of Smegging Difficult Screenshots.
You can probably see where we're going with this, then - and yes, it's time to drive Red Dwarf's social media fandom completely spare yet again, with the Smegging Difficult Quotes Quiz II. Once again, we've put together twenty questions that tax your ability to remember Red Dwarf dialogue - what was said, who said it, and when they said it. If you can get a score of 15 or above, you've got our respect - and if you get all 20 on the first go, then you've probably cheated.
Have a crack at it now over in the games section, and share your scores on Twitter and Facebook!
And if you need to brush up on your Red Dwarf knowledge, don't forget to get your hands on the Complete Series I-VIII Blu-ray set, out now!