Episodes In Depth

Giving our Complete Guide a freshen up.

4 May, 2018

Your humble reddwarf.co.uk has been going for eighteen years now, and in that time an awful lot has changed. But one thing has stayed remarkably constant: the Complete Guide section that landed on the site in that first year.

Episodes In Depth

It's changed its name - the Behind the Scenes section was originally known as "Time Hole" and the Episode Guide as the "Black Box" before we later merged them into one glorious whole - and of course it's increased in volume by half over, with the addition of four new series in the last ten years. But the sections for those original eight series - well, we haven't felt the need to touch them, because let's face it they were pretty good to start with.

Nevertheless, there's always room for a bit of improvement, and so now that we have a nice full set of Series I-XII coverage in there, we thought we'd go back and take a look at the individual episode capsules and freshen them up a bit. So we're adding a little bit more in the way of historical information about each episode - from their recording dates to when and how they were first shown and home released - as well as individual episode cast lists, writer/director info, embedded video clips, and a fun "Did You Know?" trivia section to boot.

And because it takes quite a while to put all of this together - not to mention that it's fun to drip-feed you presents in this thirtieth anniversary year - we're doing it in multiple chunks. So for now, all you're getting are the first four series - but check back soon for an update on Series V-VIII, and then after that we'll do Back to Earth through to XII.

And then, of course, we'll have wait and see if there are any more future additions to muck up what is currently a nice neat 3x4 grid of series...

Check out the new material in the Episode Guide now!

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