A New Reality
Latest Fan Club magazine on the way.
25 March, 2016
They say that clothes make the man - so if you're keen on somehow trying to make your own Dave Lister, you probably want to make sure you get those clothes right. If that's the case, then the latest issue of The Official Red Dwarf Fan Club's digital magazine, Back to Reality, could be right up your street.
For among the articles in this edition of the fan mag is an exhaustive guide to the history and stylings of Lister's classic leather jacket - and we do mean exhaustive, even going so far as to identify and track down the various patches if you want to go and find your own!

This is just one example of the in-depth, well-researched detail you can find in the fan club's magazine articles - but this latest issue also includes features on Series IV (and its relationship with the novels), a fan report from the audience filming of Red Dwarf XI, a close look at the episode Stasis Leak and a debate on whether Dwarf is best experienced live or on the telly. Plus there's the usual reader contributions including artwork, fan fiction and a comic strip - and even an exclusive column by Robert Llewellyn.
If this all sounds like the kind of thing you want to read - and why wouldn't it? - then you can get Back to Reality sent directly to your inbox simply by signing up for membership of the Fan Club. Rates start at £14 for a membership that lasts until you've received four issues of the mag (at current going, that's usually around two years).
What's more, for as long as you're a member, you can also access all previous editions of BTR, and a growing archive of the previous magazine, Better Than Life. As well as the mag, you get a big discount on tickets to Dimension Jump, access to exclusive member content and forums, and even a personalised "Smegmail" email address.
Find out more about joining the club over in our Fan Club section!
Please note that while Grant Naylor Productions fully support the Official Fan Club and Dimension Jump weekend, they are standalone entities in which we have neither a shareholding or common directors.