Six Of The Best
Classic episodes screening in Manchester.
18 September, 2015
There's a lot to be said for watching episodes of Red Dwarf among a crowd. Your reactions are heightened when they're mirrored by those around you, and it can be fascinating to see whether people respond to certain jokes or moments in the same way as you do. Plus, it's just really nice to enjoy the show in the company of several other fans.

With that in mind, you might want to check out a special event that's coming up as part of the Manchester Science Festival. The festival itself, which brings together a blend of art, workshops, performances and "big experiences" in the name of celebrating all things science, takes place between 22nd October and 1st November; and on Wednesday 28th October, Red Dwarf is getting involved.
In the intriguing surroundings of Manchester Cathedral, six episodes of our favourite show are being screened, back to back. The selection is handpicked by Doug Naylor, and consists of The End, Quarantine, Back to Reality, Gunmen of the Apocalypse, Lemons and The Beginning. At least, it will if they don't get kicked out of the cathedral for screening Lemons...
Tickets for the event, which runs from 6pm to 9.45pm, cost £14, and can be booked at the festival website. Places are limited, though, so don't delay! And if you don't manage to get in, maybe you can just invite a bunch of friends around and force them to watch three hours' worth of Dwarf yourself. Hey, that sounds like a typical Saturday, to us...
Find out more and book tickets at the Manchester Science Festival website!