Going For Gold
It's a UKTV repeat run... but not as we know it.
3 July, 2015
As you know, we like to bring you news of Red Dwarf repeat runs whenever we can here on reddwarf.co.uk. And as you know, when those repeat runs happen, they're usually on Dave - the channel that's been the home of Dwarf repeats since long before it was even called Dave (it used to be UKTV G2, fact fans).

So it's somewhat unusual for us to report on a set of repeats that are starting on an entirely different channel. Well, we say "entirely different" - it's still a channel owned by UKTV (Dave's umbrella company), and in fact, it's the channel that Dave was originally spun off from: Gold.
That's right, starting on Monday 6th July, you'll be able to see Red Dwarf starting from Series I on the channel that's (mostly) dedicated to repeats of classic British comedies. Of course, that's a designation we'd always have given Red Dwarf anyway, but it's quite interesting to see it moved from its usual home alongside the likes of QI and Top Gear, to sit instead in the company of Only Fools and Horses, Blackadder and Alan Partridge.
Episodes will air twice daily, around lunchtime and again in the evening - although some days will skip one or both of those slots, depending on other programming. Here's the schedule for the first fortnight of showings:
Episode | Showings |
The End | Monday 6th (10.20pm) / Tuesday 7th (1.00pm) |
Future Echoes | Tuesday 7th (10.20pm) / Wednesday 8th (1.00pm) |
Balance of Power | Thursday 9th (1.00pm & 10.20pm) |
Waiting for God | Friday 10th (1.00pm & 10.20pm) |
Confidence & Paranoia | Monday 13th (10.20pm) / Tuesday 14th (1.00pm) |
Me2 | Tuesday 14th (10.20pm) / Wednesday 15th (2.00pm) |
Kryten | Thursday 16th (10.20pm) / Friday 17th (2.00pm) |
Better Than Life | Friday 17th (10.20pm) / Saturday 18th (1.00pm) |
Thanks for the Memory | Monday 20th (10.20pm) |
As ever, we'll bring you an updated schedule when we have the next couple of weeks' worth of information!
Of course, you shouldn't worry about this affecting the wider future of Red Dwarf on Dave: new Dwarf is still very much a Dave show, and will still be alive and kicking on the channel from next year...
Find out the latest schedules for Red Dwarf on TV in our Watch section!