Sixes and Sevens
The Dave repeats roll on.
12 June, 2015
Cast your minds back through the mists of time, if you will, to the dark and long-forgotten past of a fortnight ago. The world was a very different place, but amid all the confusion, we were happy to bring you news of a new run of nightly Red Dwarf repeats on Dave.

The nature of TV scheduling being as it is, however, we could only give you a couple of weeks' worth of advance listings. But now that we're two weeks on, you might be unsurprised to learn that we now have details of the next fortnight's schedule. And we're happy to say that our prediction that the repeats wouldn't end two episodes into Series VI turned out to be entirely correct. After the series begins with Psirens and Legion tonight (12th June), the following week gives us Gunmen of the Apocalypse and Emohawk: Polymorph II on Monday 15th, and Rimmerworld and Out of Time on Tuesday 16th (all double bills begin at 10.40pm).
After that, however, things get a little bit complicated. Series VII will be shown afterwards, but not on the nightly schedule: instead, the repeats are moving to Sunday nights, where four episodes will be shown in a row - also from 10.40pm. So on Sunday 21st June, that means it's Tikka to Ride, Stoke Me a Clipper, Ouroboros and Duct Soup; and on Sunday 28th June, you'll get Blue, Beyond a Joke, Epideme and Nanarchy.
And for reasons we can't quite figure out, that second run is also followed by an incongruous showing of Series I classic Me2 at 1.20am. Which is nice, if baffling.
Phew. It's complicated business, this telly scheduling lark. Stay tuned for news of any further repeats that might come along after the end of June - we'll let you know both here, and on the @RedDwarfHQ Twitter account, whenever possible.
You can keep up with automated listings of Red Dwarf showings on the Watch page!