A New Reality
Latest issue of the Fan Club magazine is here.
2 May, 2014
If you're a member of The Official Red Dwarf Fan Club, then all being well you should have had a nice gift drop into your inbox this last week. Along with the latest edition of regular email newsletter Psi-Scan, you'll have been given a link to download the latest issue of the now-digital-only club magazine, Back to Reality.
Back to Reality is available exclusively to TORDFC members, and gives you the latest in news, views and features from the Fan Club team, as well as contributing members. As well as a brand spanking new design, issue #5 includes photo-laden reminiscences from last year's Dimension Jump convention, a detailed roundup of recent Dwarf news, and an exclusive column by Robert Llewellyn. Meanwhile, the latest "In Focus" feature looks at the Emmy-winning Gunmen of the Apocalypse, the fan-produced comic strip Songs in the Key of Files continues, and there's an exclusive look at an upcoming unofficial Dwarf encyclopaedia.
If you haven't yet received your e-copy of the magazine, you can get in touch with the fan club at their website. And if you're not yet a member, the site will also give you the chance to sign up. Membership prices start at £14, and it lasts until you've received four issues of the (usually quarterly, but it sometimes takes a bit longer!) magazine. You also get a discount on Dimension Jump registration, and access to exclusive member-only material, competitions, discussion forums and even a "SmegMail" email address.
Find out more and join up at reddwarffanclub.com!