A Very Good Friday
Dave line up an Easter repeat-a-thon.
11 April, 2014
As we've mentioned elsewhere on the site this very week, Easter is an important time for Red Dwarf - and, come to that, an important time for Red Dwarf on Dave. It seems that someone at our favourite digital channel got that memo, too, because next week they're planning a celebratory repeat run.
Or, y'know, it could just be a coincidence.
Either way, if you tune in to Sky 111, Virgin 128 or Freeview 12 (do you know those numbers off by heart yet?) on Good Friday, 18th April at 11am, you'll find the entirety of Series I and II playing through, in order, up until 7pm. And yes, the maths-keen among you may wonder why it takes eight hours to show twelve episodes, but that's ad breaks for you.
And yes, as someone is always likely to point out when these repeats come on: you could just get the DVDs out and have your own Dwarf-a-thon any day of the week. But isn't it so much nicer when a broadcaster not only gives you permission, but actively encourages you? See, we thought so.
Keep up with Red Dwarf showings where you are on the Listings page!