All nine series available in the iTunes store.
9 September, 2011
It's a modern world out there. A world of 3D televisions and car computers. A world where those self-lacing shoes from Back to the Future Part II are apparently being sold for real... and a world where you can carry a device in your pocket or under your arm that allows you to watch every episode of Red Dwarf.
Frankly, we grew up on VHS. We're used to a Red Dwarf collection looking like this:
Unwieldy and hard to store. A plastic block 52cm long, 20cm tall, 12cm deep. Try shoving that in your pocket!
These days, all nine series of the show are available from iTunes. Play 55 shows (plus the bonus Back to Earth documentary, Smeg Ups and Smeg Outs) back on your home computer, your phone, your tablet, your pocket video player. It is, frankly, just stupidly convenient.
This is what the iTunes Red Dwarf room looks like, and it weighs literally nothing:
We like it. It makes us feel like we live in space.