Man in The Rubber Mask Audioboo(k)
Robert reads his behind-the-scenes memoir.
26 August, 2011

Written in 1994, The Man in the Rubber Mask is one of the most delicious, funny, sweet and specific behind the scenes book you'll ever read. Covering author Robert Llewellyn's time as Kryten on Series III, IV and V - as well as the American pilot - its only failing is that there has never been a second edition to take us backstage on series VI, VII VIII and Back to Earth.
Once again embracing the wide and useful thing we call the Internet, Robert has recorded the book and released it, utterly free, on Audioboo. Chapters one and two are out now - themselves getting close to an hour of entertainment - and the rest will be following as the weeks roll on. You can listen here.
It's worth noting that Robert's been reading from the manuscript, not the published book, and what we seem to be getting is an 'unedited' version, with extra lines and some things written longer than in the printed edition. He's also done a few polishes and tweaks. Bonus!
Oh, and that problem we had about a second edition? Here's Robert himself: "The book is very dated, many references are also a bit old and early next year, when we have finished shooting the new episodes, I will update this book and release it as an e- and audio-book. So this is just a test to see how it works. Stick with me on this, it can only get better..."
We can't wait.
Listen to the Man in the Rubber Mask Audioboo.