Chris Barrie Takes a Trip to Partridge Country
Guest appearance at the Norwich Sci-Fi Festival.
1 October, 2010

While it momentarily allowed us to consider a meeting between legendary TV monsters Arnold Rimmer and Alan Partridge - most worrying in that there's a good chance the pair would rather get on - there's no sign of Norwich's best and most fictional early morning DJ on the roster for the Norwich Sci-Fi Festival 2010.
Chris 'Rimmer' Barrie will be in attendance, however. And, as any Dimension Jump attendee can attest, he's become quite the raconteur - which means any live appearance has got to be worth a look.
The Norwich Sci-Fi Festival takes place at the University of East Anglia on Sunday, November 7th. It's being run by the Norwich Sci-Fi Club, and other attendees include Kenny Baker (R2-D2), Terry Molloy (Davros) and Jack Klaff, who, aside from appearing in Star Wars, played Abaraham Lincoln in our very own Meltdown episode. Hmm...

"So Arnold Rimmer, Alan Partridge and Abraham Lincoln walk into a pub. And the barman says..."
Nope - haven't got an ending for that one.
Visit the Norwich Sci-Fi Club website.