Fully Charged

Robert Llewellyn plugs in for a new podcast series.

25 June, 2010

Cast your minds back, gentle reader, and try to recall the last time a week went by without Robert Llewellyn releasing a video of some kind onto the internet. Can't do it, can ya? It's like trying to recall when you last listened to music on a portable CD player, or when geeks everywhere weren't idolising Simon Pegg. Not only can we not remember, we prefer not to.

Fully Charged

Following his Wet Liberal YouTube updates and the massively popular Carpool, the hardest-working former-Kryten in the business - a hotly-contested category - has now released Fully Charged.

The show focusses on electric cars, a subject Robert's always been vocal about - especially on Twitter - and he's keen to bust a lot of the myths that surround these vehicles.

Two ten-minute episodes are available now either on YouTube or on iTunes. We recommend whichever version seems most ecologically friendly to you at time of clicking.

You can also check out Wet Liberal Whenever and Carpool.

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