Shadowmagic Happens
John Lenahan puts it on the page.
25 September, 2009

If you don't recognise John Lenehan, it's hardly surprising. He was the voice of the original Talkie Toaster, a role that didn't require any kind of face. (Though his full-bodied interview for the Series I documentary on The Bodysnatcher Collection was a comedy highlight and well worth seeking out.)
The comedian/magician/actor/presenter/author/self-publicist extraordinaire is currently enjoying
the success of Shadowmagic, the podcast novel that has now become available in that whacky
printed 'book' form that's so big with the youngsters. The paperback of the story described as A Lord
of the Rings for the 21st century. Only a lot shorter. And funnier. And completely different
is available now, and you can learn more the the Shadowmagic page of John's website.
From the site:
Hi, my name is Conor. Other than my father being a bit of an eccentric lunatic, my life was pretty
normal until I got attacked in my living room and whisked away to Tir na Nog, the mystical land of the
ancient Celts, where it turns out Dad is the usurped heir to the throne and everybody wants me dead
because of some prophecy. Don't you just hate when that happens?
Shadowmagic is a rip roaring fun fantasy adventure novel by John Lenahan very loosely based on Irish mythology where every chapter ends on the edge of a cliff (or at least a high curb.) Join Conor as he grapples with typical teenage problems like, how to deal with a father's high expectations, how to survive in the world on your own and how to woo a beautiful girl - that wants you dead. Shadowmagic a podcast novel for young adults from 12 to 112.
Visit John Lenahan's website.