Goodall's Eternal Light
A new release from the Red Dwarf musician.
3 October, 2008

You've watched how his Organ Works, you've hummed along to the Rimmer Munchkin Song (whether you wanted to or not), and now the composer who gave Red Dwarf its theme tune has a new classical album available.
Released by EMI Classics, Eternal Light: A Requiem by Howard Goodall is the composer's
fresh and unorthodox interpretation of the Requiem Mass
, performed by Christ Church Cathedral Choir,
Oxford and London Musici conducted by Stephen Darlington.
Quoted on the album's official website, Howard
explains the concept. For me, a modern Requiem is one that acknowledges the terrible, unbearable loss
and emptiness that accompanies the death of loved ones, a loss that is not easily ameliorated with platitudes
about the joy awaiting us in the afterlife... Musical expression can I hope provide some outlet, some reflection,
some transportation, even some comfort... This was to be a Requiem for the living, a Requiem focussing
on interrupted lives.
So, not really Tongue Tied, then. The album is available on CD as well as being available from iTunes. You can also catch the live tour - again, details are on the website.
To learn more about Howard Goodall, visit his website.