A Site For Sore Eyes
reddwarf.co.uk is renewed, refreshed and revamped!
25 February, 2008
After ten days of speculation, this is what the countdown clock was actually all about.

reddwarf.co.uk has had a great big overhaul - you might have noticed. We could go into a great long techy ramble about page widths, HTML compliance, JavaScript and other such things, but if you're someone who understands these things then you've already spotted the changes for yourself; and if you're someone who thinks Flash is a cleaning product promoted by Karl Howman, then you really don't care anyway.
So: all the great content is still here, but hopefully you'll find it all much easier to find.
The sections are all named in ways that, hopefully, will put a stop to all those emails asking
how many episodes there are of the show. (I know for certain I saw series 9, but it seems like aaaages ago.
Speculation was rife on just what, exactly, 4pm on Monday, February 25th - the time our countdown concluded - might mean, and the answer is, quite simply, that it's when the site was going to be ready. We're still working on a few of the secondary areas - certainly if you arrived here on Monday afternoon you'll have found certain sections a little more... unfinished than we'd intended - but with those complete we hope you'll find your regular visits to reddwarf.co.uk a much more enjoyable and easy experience from now on.
Will there be other exciting developments for the 20th anniversary of Red Dwarf? Let's just say that this is our anniversary year, and anything is possible - especially as the show attracts its third generation of fans...
Enjoy the new site!
Let us know what you think about the all-new reddwarf.co.uk on our Forum.