DVD Easter Eggs and codes to comfort you through the cold winter months.

21 December, 2007

Aah, DVD Easter Eggs. We know how you've struggled, we feel your pain. Which is why we've now added details of the hidden bonuses on The Bodysnatcher Collection to our FAQ section.

Red Dwarf: The Bodysnatcher Collection

The BodySnatcher Collection

Rob & Doug

Bodysnatcher Disc: In the Subtitles menu highlight and select 'on' to activate the subtitles. 'Off' will now be highlighted, so push 'up' on your remote, which will highlight the stars of the JMC logo. Press select to hear a discussion about Spitting Image from the Red Dwarf creators.

Lost Moments

Red Dwarf Disc: Go to the Bonus menu and highlight 'DVD Credits'. Press right to reveal a hidden bowl of soup and press select. You will be shown two archive clips - a Smeg Up and a Krytten introduction - that were mistakenly not included on the Series I and VII DVDs respectively.

Rob & Doug

Because we're in a festive mood, we've also decided to release the hidden codes for last year's Beat the Geek.

Sure, you may have beaten some of the levels with full marks - thus onlocking the small mini-games - but did you get the Funky 50 bonus? Did you truly beat the geek? It was this last challenge that left many fans struggling, and we're happy to put you out of your misery:

Red Dwarf: Beat The Geek

Beat The Geek

The codes for the arcade section are as follows:

Level Game Code
Level1 Black Holes 7523
Level3 Whack-a-Flibble 1921
Level5 Vending Machine 3598
Level7 Polymorph 9639
Level50 Lager Can Alley 7148

Aren't we good to you? Now, who's for eggnog?

The Red Dwarf DVDs are available now in our Merchandise section.

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