Hawks Fridge Live
Tony Hawks shows off his white goods in a one-off performance.
24 August, 2007
Red Dwarf's fifth Dwarfer (or is it fourth, or sixth? Ah, whatever!) Tony Hawks is appearing live in London for a single charity gig based on his bestselling book Round Ireland with a Fridge.
Taking place on Thursday, September 6th at 7.00pm Tony recounts his bizarrely hilarious hitch-hiking adventures in Ireland, accompanied by his faithful fridge. Both he and the fridge will outline 'fridge philosophy' - the secret of 'becoming and then staying happy'. Apparently.
You can learn more about the gig - scheduled at the Royal Geographical Society, 1 Kensington Gore, London SW7 2AR - from Tony's website. Profits will go to ChildAid in Russia and the Republics, tickets cost £10. Call 020 8460 6046 to book.
Visit the ChildAid website.