Wanted: Rob Grant

Remastered Interviews One by Andrew Ellard

5 January, 2007

He's been wanted for questioning since we began making DVDs nearly five years ago. The charges? Too numerous to mention, but the capper has to be - co-writer of BBC2's most successful comedy series.

Wanted: Rob Grant

Yes, we finally got the cuffs on Rob Grant. One half of the team known on set as The Comedy Police. A man going on record, for the first time, about the making of Series I and II - exclusively for the Remastered DVD box set.

Tuesday, December 12th turned out to be a busy day for GNP. With DVD interviews slated for January, we had hoped to have a smooth sail through 'til Christmas. Sadly, the gods of scheduling had other ideas, and some people needed grabbing in December.

Wanted: Rob Grant

But who's complaining? This one day's filming began with the aforementioned Mr Grant (who kicked off by asking if we'd like to have the wording of the question included in his answer - what a pro), before moving on to Danny John-Jules. Who, yes, was a few minutes late.

Wanted: Rob Grant

After lunch Hattie Hayridge donated her time to discuss being brought into the Red Dwarf family in Parallel Universe, and then we welcomed the new and improved Craig Charles. Talking in 2006 about two series from 1988 would be a challenge for most people. Craig makes it seem effortless. Git.

Wanted: Rob Grant

Finally our first quirky inclusion was John Lenahan, one-time Talkie Toaster and currently a writer, performer and a huge authority on the TV shows of Aaron Sorkin. Shame we're not doing The West Wing DVDs, really.

Wanted: Rob Grant

It was, for the most part, only an eventful day's filming when it was meant to be. No lights exploded, no interviews were cancelled. Good planning? Or possibly the return, once again, of my lucky directing shirt? We leave that decision to the reader.

Some great insights were revealed, along with maybe a story or two that'll have to go by the lawyers. But, despite a great day with some huge talent, we're only just warming up.

More DVD Details will follow soon...

Red Dwarf: Remastered is currently in production aiming for an Autumn release in the UK.

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