Shopping Suspended
Red Dwarf Shop ceases trading. New plans underway.
5 May, 2006
We have been informed by CarboncCo that they are unable to continue running the Red Dwarf UK Shop from this weekend (May 5th onwards). CarbonCo say that existing orders for which there is stock will be honoured and charged for only on dispatch, but any other orders will be rejected and no charge made.
Following, as it does, so hotly on the heels of the USA store's closedown, GNP have taken the opportunity to step back and reassess Dwarf's online business.
In truth, it's a rare franchise indeed that licenses its own online store rather than redirecting to either major retailers or licensees' own shops - and this will likely be the shape of's future.
For the time being, all links will be taken down from the Shop section. It's part of a more major site overhaul that will go live in the coming months.
You can grab DVDs in store or online at your retailer of choice - or follow the links in Links - plus don't forget the forthcoming Smeg Ups UMD for the PlayStation Portable. In the meantime, Red Dwarf goodies are still very much available at all the usual outlets.
All the cool gear - Corgi's ship models, or the Mr Flibble glove puppet and character headknockers - can be snapped up from the makers' own online stores.
Visit the homepages and online stores for Red Dwarf merchandise in Merchandise.