Delayed Connection

The BBC regret to announce the late-running of the Red Dwarf documentary.

6 August, 2004

Ah, sport on TV. With four years notice of the Olympic Games, it is perhaps surprising to discover that the event is causing last-minute disruption... but that's just the fate that has befallen Comedy Connections.

Delayed Connection

The final episode of the series, scheduled on BBC1 for August 16th, was to be dedicated to Red Dwarf, featuring interviews with creators Rob Grant and Doug Naylor, Ed Bye, Paul Jackson and every member of the regular cast. It's a great piece of work... it's just a shame you won't get to see it until September.

Producer Toby Stevens told "There's something almost poetic about a Red Dwarf documentary being cast adrift, unseen, and then re-emerging after a period in stasis to find itself the last unbroadcast programme in the universe." The original slot will be filled with sporting highlights, with the illuminating Dwarf doc postponed until later in the year. September 6th has been mentioned as a likely date - we'll bring you more when we have it.

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