Free RPG Add-On

Deep7 provide a little bit extra for the discerning games player.

6 February, 2004

News of America's Red Dwarf Roleplaying Game has been scant of late, with UK fans hanging in anticipation of a release in this country. The first game book took reviewers by storm and was swiftly followed by a funky follow-up, the AI Screen and Extra Bits Book. While the Series Sourcebook - an episode-by-episode way to roleplay your way through the Dwarf-iverse - is still a couple of months away, Deep7 have stemmed the tide of demand with a downloadable update, scribbled by Todd Downing.

"The Red Dwarf RPG AI Add-On 1.0 is a free download with a stupidly long title (not unlike the Red Dwarf RPG AI Screen Extra Bits Book). Its main goal is to help AIs who may be struggling with campaign ideas, or who may be under the impression that characters in the Red Dwarf RPG are doomed because of the rather slim beginning point allocations."

Free RPG Add-On

So - having trouble getting your game started? In need of a few hints to make things go with a bang? Got your multiverse in a knot? This is what you're after. "This one-page PDF can be downloaded and printed off, to be kept with the AI's game notes. It can help keep things in perspective and give the poor smeghead some bearings when the powdered idea supply (just add water) runs out."

And what of the much-anticipated episode-based add-on. "We can assure fans that the Series Sourcebook is definitely on its way. We're taking extra care in layout, and suffer the wonderful dilemma of having lots of new pictures to choose from!" More news when we have it.

The Red Dwarf RPG is available from the USA Shop. The downloadable PDF add-on is available from the Deep7 website, accessible via Links.

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