Brittas Three
Is there no stopping Whitbury's most dangerous man?
14 November, 2003

Sit-com and Chris Barrie fans alike were delighted when Eureka video announced the first series of The Brittas Empire on DVD. And now here we are, two series later. Time flies when the manager is hindering your progress to the squash courts.
The 1993 third series of Brittas is being made available on the rescheduled date of January 19th, 2004 with episodes The Trial, That Creeping Feeling, Laura's Leaving, Two Little Boys, Sex, Lies And Red Tape and The Stuff Of Dreams.
The cover art will match the previous releases, and once again we have a few little bonus extras - an image gallery, weblink and rare interview. (Actually a recovered 8-minute section of Wogan, with a fabulous-looking Mr Barrie talking about Brittas before giving old Tel a lesson in impressions. It's a nice little find.)
Perhaps the most bizarre and entertaining extra, though, is the 'Where's Ben?' game. Taking a cue from the series 2 animated menus, here you wander CGI recreations of Whitbury Newtown Leisure Centre in search of Carol's lost baby. Our sneak-peak here will give you only the slightest idea of how truly bonkers this addition is!
Also here for your general edification are a smattering of menu shots which cunningly play like a promotional video for the centre. ("Gymnasium! Swimming pool! Locker Room!") It's another inventive touch that should get you in the mood for one of the show's best seasons.
You can grab the Brittas Empire DVDs from the Red Dwarf Shop.