Talking Garbage
Red Dwarf Chat becomes the place to meet online and discuss all things Dwarfian.
24 August, 2001
Following a successful test phase, is pleased to announce the full release of its hot new chatroom. You can access Red Dwarf Chat by hitting the 'Chat' option inside the Crew Mess on Deck 2, and entering the aptly named Garbage Pod!
This new, more interactive room has the latest up to date features. Alongside the usual opportunity to alter the colour of your text, you can now add Red Dwarf 'emoticons' - animated faces that will either help you express yourself, or at the very least give other users a cheap laugh. You can also add sound effects to the proceedings! (With Red Dwarf-style noises likely to follow soon.)
The test phase has allowed us to compile a useful Hints and Tips document, too. So if you're having difficulty accessing chat - don't despair! Just check out the tips we've compiled based on the questions other users have asked.