Fancy Some Fan Art?

There's some cracking imagery online.

28 January, 2011

DeviantART has been running for over a decade. It's a social network designed for artists to share their work with the online community - the focus being on real creativity and talent. So, of course, there was no way the more creative Red Dwarf fans weren't going to get in on the doodling action.

A search for 'Red Dwarf' brings together some fascinating (if wholly 'unofficial') imagery based around the TV show. We recommend you drop in and have a click around - especially in the Red Dwarf Fans section - but here's a few of the 'cartoon' crews that caught our eye.

Red Dwarf Crewby nightwing1975
An elegant comic book-style rendering of the Series IV crew.

Fancy Some Fan Art?

Red Dwarfby mimi-na
Much 'recycled' online, this commission provides an amusingly 'bobbleheaded' interpretation, mixing various eras of the show.

Fancy Some Fan Art?

Pokemon: Red Dwarf Versionby Yayster
The show seen through the lens of the incomprehensible collector franchise, with a real geek love for different incarnations of the main characters.

Fancy Some Fan Art?

Red Dwarf Futurama Styleby Namingway
Pop culture eats itself - one sci-fi comedy reinterpreted in the style of another sci-fi comedy.

Fancy Some Fan Art?

Red Dwarfby Displacedmind
A delightfully cute and cuddly look at the crew circa Series III.

Fancy Some Fan Art?

Finally, you might want to have a squiz at the work of one Kris Carter. A familiar name from his strips in Fan Club magazine Better Than Life in the 90s, his two Red Dwarf comics on DeviantART are appealing rendered: Scoop of the Century takes place in the post-Back to Earth era, while Songs in the Key of Files aims squarely at Series I.

Fancy Some Fan Art? Fancy Some Fan Art?

Are you a brilliant Red Dwarf artist? Let us know in our Forum.

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