German Novel Artwork

Over there they call it Roter Zwerg.

3 July, 2009

German Novel Artwork

The first Red Dwarf novel, Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers, is being released by Random House in Germany this December. Entitled simply Red Dwarf - or, rather, Roter Zwerg - it will be the first time the franchise has hit Germany, since the shows have never appeared on the stations over there. No firm information on why, but the words 'Geoff Hurst' have been muttered...

December's a long way off but take a look at the artwork:

Nifty, no? Kinda like the show, but also kinda its own thing. It's a very Barrie-esque Rimmer, yet the section of ship we're seeing - impressionistic rather than literal - is more of a 50s-era rocket. And the lettering feels almost Russian. All in all, it's pretty cool. (And certainly very different from otherexamples.)

You can learn more about the hardback edition, and find pre-order links, on the Random House website. For those who like a laugh, try running the page through Google's translation feature - But that was the stupid idea of his whole life, indeed.

You can find all kinds of Red Dwarf goodies in our merchandise section.

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